About Us

RJES, Tembhurni

The past years have flown speedily and I see Hon. RJE School well entrenched into the map of the CBSE Board excelling both academically and co-curricular wise. What disturbs and concerns me most is what surrounds us in these troubled times. Violence, terror, death, natural and man-made calamities, the economic downturn, all seems to be sending a signal to mankind. Enough is enough, rein yourself in, discipline your mind, live in harmony with nature, decrease your wants or else be destroyed. It is time we paid heed to these warning bells. But no one can have sunshine or dark dismal clouds forever.
There is hope yet, let us change tracks and talk about the youth at Hon. RJE School Tembhurni. What we Endeavour to do in college is to challenge all odds in the world. We prepare to be good human beings, inculcate values, to empathies with the lesser privileged, care for the environment, to tune our finer senses and share the bliss of memorable moments with friends. That is what we are all about. So I will refrain from despairing, adopt a more nuanced approach, and hold the flag aloft.
Not to miss that Hon. RJE School will complete its third years.....

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